In today’s business, time is money. Speed can determine the success or failure of a product, program, or even a company. I have been involved in many business process improvement projects aimed at reducing cycle time, e.g. the time to register novel pharmaceuticals in emerging markets or the time to fully execute contracts required for… Continue reading Improving Business Processes
Tag: Lean
A Foundation for Success
Do you want to increase productivity, lead in innovation, improve employee morale, and attract and retain talent? Who doesn’t? But how? For over a decade, I have used many management methodologies for business improvement, e.g. Lean, Six Sigma, Enterprise Process Management, Change Management, etc. One of the biggest lessons I learned is that no matter… Continue reading A Foundation for Success
Starting Lean Six Sigma
Are you thinking about bringing Lean, Six Sigma, or similar methodologies to your organization but concerned with their effectiveness? Starting with three questions will help increase your chance of success or return on investment. For more than a decade, I have led, supported, and observed Lean Six Sigma deployments in many organizations in life sciences.… Continue reading Starting Lean Six Sigma